Southern Ohio Pest Management

Pest Free Homes and Businesses Start Here!

Caring for our communities with quality service you can trust.

Pest Control Service in Southern Ohio

At Southern Ohio Pest Management it is our passion to give our communities solutions to their pest problems.  We strive to provide our customers with the latest in pest control technology and the best products on the market.  Pest free homes and businesses start here!

  • Knowledge and Expertise to provide the best pest control solutions
  • Annual, monthly, & quarterly pest services customized to your specific needs and budget
  • Rest assured the safety and well-being of your family and pets are our top priority
  • We strive to provide exceptional customer service
  • Over 30 years of experience in pest control and crawl space moisture remediation
  • Pest solutions for residential and business properties
  • Trusted pest control company serving the areas of Athens, Gallipolis, McArthur and Pomeroy Ohio. We also serve Mason West Virginia.
pest control service

Southern Ohio Pest Management

Choose our trusted pest control experts for effective solutions to protect your home and business.

Stink Bug Infestations

Stink bugs can find their way inside your home, especially during the cooler months when they seek shelter. Large numbers of stink bugs indoors can be bothersome and difficult to get rid of.  Stink bugs release a strong and unpleasant odor when threatened or crushed, which can linger in your home and be difficult to eliminate.  When squashed or crushed, stink bugs can leave behind stains on walls, curtains, furniture, and other surfaces, which can be challenging to remove.  This bug has become one of the top insects pest control companies receive calls about.  These pests are very controllable if treated at the right time of year with the right product.  With our knowledge and expertise, we have the answer to your stink bug problem.

Asian Lady Beetle

During colder months, Asian lady beetles seek shelter in buildings and homes to hibernate in large numbers. This behavior can lead to nuisance infestations.  When crushed, Asian lady beetles can release a yellowish defensive fluid that has a distinct odor and can stain surfaces, such as walls, furniture, and fabrics.  Give us a call to schedule your fall treatment!

Mosquito Problems?

Mosquito Treatments

We offer 2 types of mosquito treatments. Our conventional liquid treatments are performed by treating the foliage and resting areas where mosquitoes harbor during the day.  We also offer In2Care mosquito traps.  This is an effective way to control disease carrying mosquitoes around your home or business.  This approach uses adulticides and a growth regulator to inhibit the growth of mosquito larvae.  Both treatments must be performed seasonally on a monthly basis to be effective.  

Mosquito Trap Video

Carpenter Bee

Carpenter Bee

Over time, carpenter bees can cause significant structural damage as they enlarge their tunnels and create galleries within the wood. This can weaken the integrity of wooden structures and potentially lead to costly repairs.  When treated in early spring, the damage from these wood destroying insects can greatly be prevented. Call us today and let us help you with your carpenter bee problem.


Termite Treatments and Control

Termites can cause severe damage to the wooden components of your house, such as beams, studs, flooring, and furniture. This can potentially compromise the stability of the structure and the repairs can be financially burdensome.  With more than 600,000 homes affected by termites in the U.S. every year, don’t be next on their hit list.  We offer liquid termite treatments for homes and businesses.  We also offer pre-treatments for new construction.  Whether you have an active termite infestation or would like a preventative treatment, give us a call today for your free inspection and quote.

termite control


Ohio is home to several tick species. The most common are the black legged tick (also known as the deer tick), the lone star tick and the dog tick.  The black legged tick/deer tick is active year round.  Ticks carry diseases that are of great concern to the health of people and pets.  Ticks can multiply rapidly and infest an area, making it difficult to control their population. Tick treatment helps in reducing the number of ticks in your yard, preventing infestations and minimizing the chances of encountering ticks.  Regular tick treatment can provide peace of mind, knowing that you have taken proactive measures to protect yourself, your family, and your pets from the potential harm associated with ticks.

Crawl Space Encapsulation

Crawl Space Encapsulation

Crawl Space Moisture

Controlling moisture issues in your crawl space or basement is important in preventing pest problems. High moisture levels promote the growth of fungi and mold on floor systems which can drastically affect the air quality in your home. We offer encapsulations, moisture barriers and dehumidification.

Proudly Serving

We are proud to offer our pest control services to the Southern Ohio area of Athens, Gallia, Meigs and Vinton and the West Virginia counties of Mason and Jackson.   

Pest Free Homes and Businesses Start Here!